Gallery Settings
Last Updated 7 years ago
InstaShop allows you to fine tune the look and feel of your gallery and pop up view.
Gallery settings can be accessed by clicking on the SETTINGS option on the left side of the screen or through the MORE menu
- Gallery Layout
- Grid: Displays pictures in a simple grid, just like on Instagram.
- Rows: When you select Grid, a 'rows' option will appear below. This allows you to control the height of your grid gallery.
- Slider: A compact gallery view, taking up just one row of pictures. Customers can toggle through pictures using the arrow keys on the side.
- Collage: The collage option allows you to show your Instagram pictures in an attractive broken grid layout.

- Pin type: You can control the type of pin used when customers click on a picture. Options include:
- Circle – this is the default pin type
- Radar – a dot with a radiating circle, to attract the customers attention
- Star
- No pins – there will be no pins on your picture. You product links will still remain on the right hand side. Note, if you have ‘Show pins in gallery‘ switched on, pins will display in the gallery still.

- Show pins in gallery: By default, pins are not displayed until a customer clicks on a picture. You can show pins in the gallery by turning this option on.

- Show pins in pop up: Set to 'on' by default, you can choose to hide the pins when customers click on a picture. This will still show the product next to the picture
- Show Prices: this will allow customers to see the product price, alongside the Instagram picture.
Pop up view with: 'Show pins' set to 'On' and 'Show Prices' set to 'On'

- Show more button: by default, there is a ••• icon below any gallery with more pictures than fit in the gallery space. You can remove this icon. Customers will still be able to view all pictures you have set to visible by scrolling through the pop up view.
- Gallery overlay: when a customer mouses over a picture, they will see a message. By default, the message reads ‘Shop Instagram‘. You can change this message. Message is limited to 16 characters.
- Show Product Images - You have three options
- Always (default) - You will always see product images above the buy button (if no product image is available a default image is displayed
- Never - InstaShop will never display the product image above the buy button (great if you are using external links or can't get product pictures)
- When multiple products - will only show product pictures when you have added two or more pins to a picture.
- Advanced Settings - Business Plan customers can access CSS through the Advanced Settings.
The gallery setting options
Example of an InstaShop gallery using the collage gallery layout and a Gallery Overlay that says Shop the Look. See the real thing here.