2: Install and configure the InstaShop WordPress plugin
Last Updated 5 years ago
Benefits of installing the InstaShop plugin
- Access InstaShop from your WordPress admin *
- Use Smart Pins
- Makes embedding InstaShop galleries easy
* InstaShop can be used without installing the WordPress plugin. However, you will need to manage your gallery exclusively through myinstashopapp.com.
Installing the InstaShop plugin:
NOTE - the plugin is now called SocialShopEither:
- Download and install the plugin form here.
- Search for SocialShop within your admins plugin section, install and activate.
How to configure InstaShop (video)
NOTE: this video is based on a previous version of WooCommerce. See below for the minor differences
STEP 1: Get Consumer Key and Consumer Secret from WooCommerce
This step will allow InstaShop to search your product database, so you can add product pins to your Instagram pictures. - Login into your WordPress admin.
- Select 'WooCommerce', then select 'Settings'.
IMPORTANT - WooCommerce has updated the next part of the process. Follow the guide that works for you:
NEW VERSION - Select 'Advanced from the top menu, then click the 'REST API' link below.
- Click the 'Add Key' button

OLD VERSION - Select 'API' from the top menu, then click the 'Keys/Apps' from the links below.
- Click the 'ADD KEY' button.

ALL VERSIONS - Add a description e.g. InstaShop.
- Click Generate KEY (important - do not leave close the WooCommerce page until you have copied the details).
- Copy the details generated into 'Consumer Key' and 'Consumer Secret' on the page https://my.instashopapp.com/settings/woo.
- Make sure your store URL is correctly entered too.
- Click 'Save'.
- Now - move to step 2 (below).

Note: In rare cases InstaShop may not be able to properly communicate with WooCommerce depending on your website hosting. This
configuration change may help.
STEP 2: Allow InstaShop to track updates to your store
This step ensures InstaShop stays up to date with any changes you make to your products. - Copy the 'Consumer Secret' you just pasted into the WooCommerce configuration section of InstaShop.
- Go back to your WooCommerce store.
- Select 'WooCommerce' from the side menu, then select 'Settings'.
- Click 'API' from the top menu and then select 'Webhooks' from the links below.
- Click the 'Add webhook' button
- Change the 'Status' option to 'Active'
- Change the 'Topic' option to 'Product updated'
- In the 'Delivery URL filed enter https://my.instashopapp.com/webhooks/woo
- Click the Save Webhook button

...NEXT STEP:3: Fetch pictures and set them visible