Frequently Asked Question

InstaShop analytics

Last Updated 2 years ago


Before you can use Analytics service, you need to upgrade your Instagram access to use Instagram Creator or Instagram Business accounts. Don't worry - it only takes 5 minutes! Find full, step by step details view the article: Linking InstaShop and an Instagram Business account or Creator Account.


Business Plan customers have access to two sets of analytics:

  1. Instagram Analytics - Data related to how well your IG pictures are performing across All platforms (including Instagram and your shop)
  2. InstaShop Analytics - Data related to how well you IG pictures are performing within your shop.
Combined, these two sets of analytics paint a rich picture of how well your pictures are performing, allowing you to optimise your gallery for sale.

1: Instagram Analytics

This tool provides suite of rich data, on a picture by picture basis. It gives insights Ito how well your pictures are performing across the all platforms where they are displayed (e.g. the Instagram App and your shop front).

Example of Instagram analytics
At a Glance
From the Manage Feed page, each picture provides a range of top level statistics, including a range of statistics, including number of comments, engagement, reach and more.

In Depth
Clicking on the statistics section will open a full view, providing a deep dive into the interactions the picture has received. This is broken down over 24, 48 and 72 hours.

2: InstaShop Analytics

InstaShop analytics will show you how customers have interacted with your Instagram pictures within your shop. There are three primary data points available

  • Views - the number of times a picture has been seen
  • Opens - the number of times a customer has clicked on a picture to open the InstaShop carousel, seeing more information, including Smart Pins.
  • Buy Clicks - the number of times a customer has clicked on a Smart Pin and been taken to the product page
These data points are made available across a series of 'views'.

NOTE: analytics only begins once you become a Business Plan customer.

Main Gallery & Product Gallery

This section gives a graph based representation of the views, opens and buy clicks related to your two gallery types:

  • Main gallery - this is the gallery that typically appears on your home page or on a dedicated page and contains all pictures you have set to 'visible')
  • Product Galleries - these are the galleries embedded in your product pages that only show specific pictures of that product, based on Smart Pins you have added


Note: if you have not set up product galleries yet, you will have a flat graph.
Find out how to set up product galleries.

Most Shopped Posts & Most Shopped Products

  • Most shopped posts - displays the pictures that customers have opened and then clicked on a Smart Pin. Note, if a picture has multiple Smart Pins added, this section will not tell you which pin has been clicked on.
  • Most shopped products - displays information on which product smart pins have been clicked on, taking customers to the related product page.
The data displayed in this section is based on the entire time you have been a Business Plan customer.


Top Clicked Posts & Top Viewed Posts

This section gives you information on how often customers interact with pictures in your InstaShop gallery.

  • Top clicked posts - This section shows you which pictures people clicked on to see the 'carousel' view, this includes picture descriptions from Instagram as well as your Smart Pins.
  • Top viewed posts - Once a customer clicks on a picture, they can click through to see other pictures. This table shows the total picture views from the carousel view.


Got an idea for how we can improve InstaShop analytics? Get in touch.

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